History is Alive in Coloma

costumed docent at Marshall Park eventColoma’s characters from the past come to life this summer! On the 3rd Saturday of each month, May through September, come into the historic past through the new Summer Performance Series at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in Coloma. Meet some of the colorful and diverse people who set the stage for the powerful and tumultuous history of California.

On May 16th, Rex Ruth portrays Captain John Charles Fremont. He takes you through his military career with passionate stories of the man who organized the first California Volunteer Militia, became one of the State’s first Senators, and was appointed Major General in the Union Army during the Civil War. The Cemetery Players bring to life the stories of those who lived, died, and are buried in the cemeteries of Coloma on June 20th. John Sutter, Sam Brannan, and James Marshall share stories on July 18th around an evening bonfire. Kimberly ShiningStar will be at the Grinding Stone on August 15 with Native American history and storytelling. A grand finale September 19 brings characters from the previous performances together for visitors enjoyment. Signs will be posted in the park for the exact location of each performance.

docents at Marshall Park demonstrating gold mining techniquesEach event is from 7:30 to 9:00 pm with free parking beginning at 7:00 pm. Tickets may be purchased the evening of the performance or in advance at the Gold Rush Mercantile in the park. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children 12 and under. Please provide your own seating—bring a blanket or lawn chair and pick your spot.

The Gold Discovery Park Association sponsors this event series and all money raised goes to support the educational and interpretive programs in Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park. For more information visit the GDPA website, call (530) 622-6198, or email gdpa@marshallgold.org. Come join us in the park, have fun, and help keep Coloma’s Gold Rush history alive.

by Sara SK