Go Locol Bike Rental Program

bicycleThis summer, residents of the Coloma-Lotus valley should start looking for a fleet of shiny, baby-blue bicycles in town and along Highway 49. The bikes are part of a new program by the local community group Go Locol, which aims to make Coloma/Lotus a more ecologically and economically sustainable place to live.

For over a year now, the group has been collecting used bikes from donors, thrift stores, Freecycle, and Craigslist, and giving them makeovers. After replacing rusty chains and flat tires, and fixing their brakes and gears, Go Locol volunteers paint the bikes a charming shade of baby blue and give them personalized license plates with names like Don Juan and Winifred.

The low cost bike program will officially begin in May as a way for both permanent and seasonal (a.k.a. river guides) residents to buy/rent a bike. Here’s how it works: Purchase the bike for $30. When you’re done with it, sell it back to Go Locol for $20. Essentially, you get a bike for as long as you need it for $10.

Go Locol hopes that this program will encourage more local people in our area to ride bikes, and provide affordable, green transportation for river guides who might have to abandon their bikes at the end of the rafting season anyway. Currently there are 15 bikes ready for use, and Go Locol is requesting donations of gently used bikes to add to the fleet. For more information on the bike program or to donate a bike please contact Deanna Lloyd at deannalloyd81@yahoo.com.

— Emily Underwood