More Events Happening In the Coloma-Lotus Valley!

My last post included fun, upcoming events that are happening RIGHT HERE in the CL Valley…but apparently one post wasn’t nearly enough to accommodate everything that is happening! I was informed of even more great events, and thereby encouraged to share them with all of you!

First of all, this Sunday April 14th, there is a guided Wildflower Walk to benefit the Sierra Nevada Alliance. Spend the afternoon among the poppies, lupine, creeks and the South Fork American River, enjoying Mother Nature’s magnificence. Hurry to reserve your tickets since it’s just two days away! Please visit the Sierra Nevada Alliance website for ticket information and details:

On Saturday April 20th the Gold Trail Grange #452 is hosting a play to benefit the grange. The play is “Greater Tuna” by the Green Valley Community Grange Theatre Company of Sacramento. It has received rave reviews and is sure to be a fun evening! With kids tickets at just $5, adults at $10 and a social potluck beforehand, you really get a lot of bang for your buck AND it supports a great local business!  Please visit this website for more details and information about the grange and this event.

On May 5th, David Girard Vineyards and Oak Ridge High School are helping to sponsor the 1st Annual Ruff Road Racein memory of Josh Ruff. Please visit this website for race prices and details, and to learn more about this wonderful event:

Okay, this next one is only for the true fitness fanatics, exercise junkies or the clinically insane! The Sacramento Running Association is hosting the Inaugural Gold Rush 100K. For those of you not versed in kilometers, that’s a whopping 62.1371192 miles! Now that requires some serious athleticism…WOW!!! This event takes place on May 11, 2013 and begins right in our backyard at Sutter’s Mill in Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in Coloma and goes all the way to Sutter’s Fort in Sacramento. Please check out this website for more information:

Seeing as how I just began training for my first half marathon, I won’t be participating in the Gold Rush 100K, but I will definitely be at Sutter’s Mill that morning to check out those incredibly motivated athletes that are participating! Have a great Spring weekend folks! Whether you are walking through the wildflowers, hiking, biking, kayaking, rafting, gardening or running-I do hope to see you around town! Cheers!