Ready, Set…Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Well, the Coloma-Lotus Valley is officially OPEN FOR BUSINESS for the 2013 Summer Season! All the seasonal businesses are open to serve your dining, lodging or recreational needs, the river is flowing and that Summertime feeling is here! Check the business directory on this website for a complete list of local businesses and information.

Memorial Day weekend is our official kick-off to the Summer Season. From a bird’s eye view, you would probably see a plethora of tents, cabins, RV’s, rafts, kayaks, barbeques and families recreating, but from the view of the South Fork American River, you will just see a bunch of people having  good ol’ fashioned family fun in the great outdoors!

The river will be flowing and the temperatures will hover around 70 degrees for daily highs, which, if you ask me, is perfect! Most the local restaurants will have live music in the evenings, so you can soak up the sunshine and river by day, and boogie by night! Beware, the side effects of being in the Coloma-Lotus Valley are extreme happiness and a general feeling of goodness from head to toe, and it’s contagious!  So, come catch the buzz!!!

While this is a joyful weekend kick-off to the fun Summer Season, don’t forget to take the time to acknowledge the reason we are celebrating this federal holiday. Memorial Day is a day to pay tribute to, honor and remember the men and women that have died serving in the United States Armed Forces.  It’s easy to get wrapped up in packing the cooler and the car for the weekend’s festivities, and forget the reason we have this 3 day weekend. So, once you set up camp, grab a cold beer or soda out of your cooler, dip your toes in the river and raise your glass in honor of Memorial Day. Oh, and don’t forget to have a safe & happy Memorial Day weekend! CHEERS!