Spring Hootenanny to benefit Coloma Junior Guides-Fri. Apr. 4th

Spring Hootenanny 2014First a definition: hoot·en·an·ny (ˈho͞otnˌanē)/noun, informal  1.an informal gathering with folk music and sometimes dancing.

Now some FAQ’s:

  • When is the Hootenanny? The Party Begins at 4:30 and goes until 10 PM on this Friday April 4th.  There will be two sets of Music the first of which will start at 4:30.  The second set will be around 6:30 until 10PM.  The event is held at the Gold Trail Grange #452 located in the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.
  • How do I get tickets and how much are they?  Advanced Ticket sales are $15.00 for adults and 12.00 for kids (under 18)  with a $1.85 service fee.  They can be purchased at  http://www.colomajuniorguides.com/Spring_Hootenanny.php
  • What is the best way to get a deal on the Tickets? Advanced ticket sales end Monday March 31 at midnight.
  • Can I buy tickets at the door?  Tickets will be available at the door unless we sell out ahead of time so order soon.
  • Coloma Junior Guides

  • Can I bring my kids?  Will it be fun for them?  The Hootenanny is a kid friendly event.  Arann Harris and the Farm Band have a special magic in getting kids to dance and participate.  The first set of Live Music will be geared towards the younger folks.
  • Is the Hootenanny for grown ups? Heck Yeah!  Arann Harris may be fun for the kids but he rocks it for the big kids also.  He has a strong following in San Francisco and all around the northern part of the Bay Area.  He has opened for some big name bands like Greensky Blue Grass and played venues like the Fillmore.  The second set of the evening will be aimed at the adults who want to dance in the new season.
  • What are the refreshments?  We will have craft beers on tap and Maria’s Taco truck will have Mexican food to keep you fueled up for the dancing and hanging out with your community.
  • Who are the Junior Guides and why do they keep emailing me? Junior Guides Raft Camps are a Non Profit 510(c)(3) status pending.  We provide whitewater fun and safety learning for kids age 7-13 on the South Fork American River.  We are throwing this Hootenanny to raise money for our scholarship fund that will help kids that would not otherwise be able to, attend our camps.  You can learn more about this organization and the Coloma Junior Guides at http://www.colomajuniorguides.com/

BIG thanks to Spencer Rubin for providing this information and organizing such a great event!