New Fees at Marshall Gold Discovery SHP

The following fees apply at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park (SHP). Please note the walk-in fee was changed back to per person instead of per group this week.

Park day use fee (often called “parking fee”) per vehicle up to 8 people                $8.00

Senior day use per vehicle and applies if anyone in the car is 62+                               $7.00

Disabled day use fee (must show State Parks discount card)                                        $4.00

Walk-in fee for the gold discovery museum or use of the park for the day per person           $2.00

Bus or van 9-24 people                                                                                                                  $50.00

Bus or van 25-63 people                                                                                                                $100.00

Bus over 64 people                                                                                                                         $150.00

Gold panning lesson per person                                                                                                $7.00

Guided walking tour per adult                                                                                                    $3.00

Guided walking tour per child                                                                                                     $2.00

There are a variety of annual pass options.  Please see the State Park website for a listing of pass costs and which parks they include/exclude. County and federal park passes are not accepted in state parks. Thank you for visiting the Marshall Gold Discovery SHP.