Gold Trail Grange 49er Flapjack Breakfast

49er Flapjack Breakfast on Sunday Oct. 12 from 8-11 a.m. This event will coincide and compliment Coloma Gold Rush Live!
Gold Trail Grange #452 located at 319 Hwy. 49, Coloma (in the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park)
Pancakes topped with cinnamon apples plus a serving of 49er scramble, salsa, sausages, orange juice and coffee, tea, or cocoa. Adults $6 and $3 for kids under 10
Free parking at the Grange for the breakfast only.  You’ll need to move your car if you plan to attend “Gold Rush Live” at the State Park (which starts at 10 a.m.)
Everyone is welcome. Visit for more info and details.