Summer In Full Swing…Harvest Around The Corner!

Click to read “Five Ways To White-Water In Coloma” article from SacTown Magazine

Baloon in VinyardSummer is in full swing in Coloma.  The bumper to bumper traffic on the river is the kind of traffic we enjoy around here.  SacTown Magazine featured a great article “Five Ways to Whitewater in Coloma”   The whitewater business is a mainstay in the Coloma Valley and is still providing excellent fun for all ages.  The photo on the left was from a decade ago, proof that rafting rides the waves of time.

Harvest is also just around the corner.  Wineries are not new to the region, however repeat visitors to the region are seeing more and more vineyards and wineries pop up as they travel the famous Highway 49 and its hidden roads leading to award winning wine.  The wineries provide fun for visitors during the whitewater season and after.  Mark your calendar and book a great B&B or riverfront campground and enjoy some river fun.  Also squeeze in some visits to the local restaurants, ranging from casual to elegant and many featuring local musical talent.  Be on the lookout for new blog updates every couple of weeks to keep up with Coloma News!