Kick-Off to a Great 2016 Whitewater Season

An early Easter in 2016 marked an early kick-off to a great 2016 whitewater season.  Coloma Valley has a lot going on during the off-season with restaurants, wineries and fun Marshall Gold Discovery Historic State Park celebrations but the first weekend in April historically kicks off the whitewater season with a large gathering benefiting American Whitewater at California Canoe and Kayak in beautiful downtown Lotus.  This years event proved to be a success coupled with gorgeous weather!American Whitewater

Local residents begin to see a noticeable increase in traffic and on the streets and on the river this time of year.  With this increased traffic brings increased activities provided by local businesses for your enjoyment.  To keep up with all the wonderful activities for ages 1 to 100 follow this blog which posts weekly beginning in April through the beginning of October.  See you around town!