What’s the Buzz?

spring poppies along the American RiverColoma and Lotus are stretching their arms and coming alive after it’s annual winter slumber from November to March.  Around mid-March the town starts to pick up the pace and by mid-April most seasonal business doors have opened and there is a buzz about town.  Now is the best time to make a day or weekend trip with spring wildflowers covering the hillsides. Taste and see what the Coloma Valley has to offer and scout out a great campsite or luxury retreat, make reservations and visit again in the heart of summer.

Speaking of buzz…the Coloma Valley would like to welcome Will and Erica from The Bear & The Bee Farm. They are  an independently-owned, small-scale organic farm located on Cold Springs Road on the historic Wakamatsu Farm.  They grow over fifty varieties of certified organic fruits and vegetables and  collect raw honey from their honeybee companions. They work hard to grow the most nutritionally-dense produce possible, while utilizing the most environmentally-friendly practices possible.  You can find their products at their on-site farm stand, as well as through local farmers’ markets, natural grocers, and restaurants. Find more information the business directory.