It’s Still Summer

Don’t let kids heading back to school fool you…it is still summer in the Coloma Valley!  The Whitewater Industry is still hopping with boats that are filled with people enjoying the water in the triple digit weather.  Enjoying the water whether in a boat, float, wading or just enjoying the scenery is fun for everyone.

While you are in town to cool down, make sure and stop to check out Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park (MGDSHP), which is gearing up for the World Gold Panning Championship held at the Placerville September 11-18th.  Although the actual competition takes place at the fairgrounds in Placerville, you can be sure that the site in Coloma where gold was first discovered and triggered the Gold Rush will be a hotbed of activity.

Once you visit the Sutter’s Mill monument in the State Park, stop by one of the wineries, another hotbed of activity as Crush is beginning and you may catch the winemakers in action harvesting grapes.  Agriculture is the Coloma Valley’s true Gold and new on the block, the American River Wine and Ag Trail is telling that history.

In a new partnership with the Gold Discovery Park Association and MGDSHP, there will be an inaugural long table farm dinner on October 1st, 2016, in front of the newly redesigned Sutter’s Mill replica overlooking the South Fork American River. Join in on the Golden Harvest for a 5 course meal with local products and wine.