Gorilla Rock Tacos

Welcome!  My name is Tim Doherty and I cannot wait to share my passion with all of you. From my grandparents owning a restaurant on Sutter Street in the late 1960s-90s to my mother opening the Rivershack in the late 1990s, I was born and raised in the kitchen.  Growing up in Coloma was an experience I will never forget – spending my summers on the river was an absolute blast!  The memories I have and the people I’ve met just from working there is something that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I owe my obsession with the restaurant business to not only my immediate family but the locals around town I cannot thank them enough for the life and the memories they gave me during the summers.   

As the years went on, I found myself moving further and further away eventually joining the Coast Guard.  I realized while being thousands of miles away from any form of civilization that I constantly dreamt of those Coloma summers, I missed the town and even more so I missed the people.  I eventually returned to the area but work always kept me away from Coloma.  It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I decided to move my life back to the home I grew up in, but again work was taking me elsewhere.  I realized being away for so long that I loved this town and the people in it more than I had ever realized.  Deep in my heart, I knew I wanted to be more a part of this community and contribute to this amazing town by making my passion a permanent residence.  As luck would have it, an amazing opportunity came up for me that I absolutely could not refuse, which has led me to being here with all of you today!  I am so excited about this new journey of opening Gorilla Rock Taco, getting to know and connect with all of you to create a deeper sense of community, and being firmly rooted back in my childhood town of Coloma, California. This town and its residents have given me so much during my life and now it is my turn to give back! See you all soon!  Hakuna Mataco!