1. California whitewater rafting on the American River

    Family Floats

    Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a […]

  2. hiking through spring poppies on the American River

    30 degrees

    The recurring theme this year for the Coloma Valley has been unpredictable and unusual weather patterns. Based on the upcoming weather forecast there will be a 30 degree temperature difference between Wednesday 15th and Wednesday the 22nd. Almost unbelievable difference, 71 degrees as the high in mid-June, we’ll take it!

  3. Slab Creek Run (c) Mark Musgrove

    Fun Runs

    Are you an outdoor Enthusiast? The Coloma Valley has two fun runs this weekend May 14th and 15th for both the expert and the novice.

  4. Swimmer's Rapid

    Summer 2014 Whitewater Rafting!!!

    Even though the drought is very serious, there is some good news concerning the South Fork American River and Whitewater Rafting for the Summer 2014 Season. Splish, splash! We’ve got water!!!

  5. Swimmer's Rapid

    Ready, Set…Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

    Well, the Coloma-Lotus Valley is officially OPEN FOR BUSINESS for the 2013 Summer Season! All the seasonal businesses are open to serve your dining, lodging or recreational needs, the river is flowing and that Summertime feeling is here! So, come catch the buzz!

    Memorial Day weekend is our official kick-off to the Summer Season. From a bird’s eye view, you would probably see a plethora of tents, cabins, RV’s, rafts, kayaks, barbeques and families recreating, but from the view of the South Fork American River, you will just see a bunch of people having good ol’ fashioned family fun in the great outdoors!