Gold Discovery Day a Success

An article in the Metro section of the Sunday Sacramento Bee offered an enticing picture of Saturday’s Gold Discovery Day at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.

They described the historic recreations and noted the opening of the recently renovated museum:

The campfire’s smoke curled up to the gray sky hanging over Coloma. The scent of burning wood cut through the morning chill and enveloped the chattering crowd. Men in buckskin and coonskin caps mingled with women in calico and bonnets. A motorcycle rumbled by, and then a bugle call caught the crowd’s attention.

More than 300 people — some in costume — gathered Saturday for the unveiling of the renovated museum at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.

A new exhibit, complete with dioramas and mannequins, attempts to capture when James Marshall discovered gold at the site where the park now sits. That momentous day was Jan. 24, 1848.

See the full article here.

Mountain man photograph by Betty Sederquist.