The Coloma Lotus Business Council (CLBC) has been working with El Dorado County for many years to invest in the tourism and business needs of the valley.  In order to better understand the dynamics and specifics of our tourism industry, the CLBC obtained a small contract from the county to do an economic impact analysis of the valley.  We are currently conducting a business survey and a visitor survey concluding this fall.  An economic impact analysis report will be compiled from the data and submitted to the county later this year. This information will be made public once it is completed.

In order to better understand the needs of the residents in the area, we are conducting this resident survey as well. We appreciate your time in taking our short survey and your answers will help CLBC and the county better understand your interests and priorities.

If you have any questions about our survey or additional feedback please Contact Us.

These surveys are anonymous and we don’t ask for any emails or personal information.