1. hiking through spring poppies on the American River

    30 degrees

    The recurring theme this year for the Coloma Valley has been unpredictable and unusual weather patterns. Based on the upcoming weather forecast there will be a 30 degree temperature difference between Wednesday 15th and Wednesday the 22nd. Almost unbelievable difference, 71 degrees as the high in mid-June, we’ll take it!

  2. Swimmer's Rapid

    More Events Happening In the Coloma-Lotus Valley!

    My last post included fun, upcoming events that are happening RIGHT HERE in the CL Valley…but apparently one post wasn’t nearly enough to accommodate everything that is happening! I was informed of even more great events, and thereby encouraged to share them with all of you!

  3. Swimmer's Rapid

    Wake up HAPPY in the Coloma-Lotus Valley!

    It wasn’t until I moved to the Coloma-Lotus Valley that I truly found home. Every morning I rise to my feet and pull open the curtains to reveal one of my favorite views in the world, my back yard! For nearly 300 days of the year the sun is shining on the river sending sparkles through the whitewater.